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How to Keep Your Shih Tzu Happy and Healthy with Enough Sleep

Do Shih Tzu Dogs Sleep A Lot

Shih Tzus, those adorable little bundles of fur with flowing locks, are known for their playful personalities and affectionate nature. But there’s another characteristic often associated with these charming companions – their love of sleep! So, are the rumors true? Do Shih Tzu dogs truly spend the majority of their days snoozing?

The answer is yes, Shih Tzus does tend to sleep more than some other dog breeds. While the exact amount varies depending on their age and activity level, adult Shih Tzus typically requires between 12 and 16 hours of sleep per day. This includes both nighttime rest and frequent daytime naps.

How Much Sleep Does Shih Tzus Need Each Day?

Shih Tzus needs about 12 to 16 hours of sleep daily, depending on age and activity level. Puppies and senior dogs may need more sleep, up to 20 hours a day, while adult dogs may need less, around 10 to 14 hours a day.

How Sleep Impacts a Shih Tzu’s Health and Well-being

Sleep is essential for a shih tzu’s health and well-being, as it helps them to rest, recover, and recharge their energy. Sleep also supports their immune system, brain function, memory, learning, and mood. Lack of sleep can lead to various health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, infections, and behavioral issues.

Why Do Shih Tzus Sleep So Much?

Shih tzus sleep so much because they are a brachycephalic breed, meaning they have short and flat noses. This makes them prone to breathing difficulties, especially in hot and humid weather, which can make them tired and sleepy. Shih Tzus also have a low metabolism, which means they burn fewer calories and need less energy than other breeds. Additionally, shih tzus are adaptable and can adjust their sleep schedule to match their owner’s lifestyle.

Factors Affecting a Shih Tzu’s Sleep Quality and Duration

Many factors can affect how well and how long a Shih Tzu sleeps, such as:

Shih Tzu Sleep Requirements by Age    

Is it normal for Shih Tzu to sleep all day

 Newborn Shih Tzus: Very High Sleep Requirements

Newborn shih tzus, also known as neonates, are fragile and vulnerable. They spend most of their time sleeping, up to 22 hours a day, to support their rapid growth and development. They need a warm, comfortable, and safe place to sleep, preferably with their mother and littermates.

Shih Tzu Puppies’ Sleeping Patterns

Shih tzu puppies are very active and curious but also need a lot of sleep to recharge their energy and learn new skills. They typically sleep 16 to 20 hours daily, divided into several naps throughout the day and night. Depending on their feeding, playing, and training schedule, they may have irregular sleeping patterns.

Adolescent and Adult Shih Tzu Sleeping Amounts

Adolescent and adult shih tzus have lower sleep requirements than puppies and seniors, but they still need more sleep than most other breeds. They usually sleep 10 to 14 hours a day, with more extended periods of sleep at night and shorter naps during the day. They may adjust their sleep schedule to match their owner’s lifestyle and routine.

Senior Shih Tzus: More Sleep Necessary

Senior shih tzus, aged 10 years and older, tend to sleep more than younger dogs as they experience the effects of aging and health issues. They may sleep 18 to 20 hours daily, with more frequent and longer naps. They may also have difficulty falling or staying asleep due to pain, discomfort, or cognitive decline.   

Shih Tzu Sleep Habits

Can Shih Tzus Sleep Alone at Night?

Shih Tzus can sleep alone at night but may not prefer it. Shih Tzus are very social and loyal dogs, and they may feel lonely or anxious if separated from their owners or other dogs. They may also need help sleeping if they are not comfortable or secure in their sleeping area. If you want your Shih Tzu to sleep alone at night, you should train them early, provide them with a cozy and safe bed, and give them plenty of attention and affection during the day.

Should Your Shih Tzu Sleep in Bed with You?

Whether your Shih Tzu should sleep with you depends on your preference and situation. Some benefits of sleeping with your shih tzu are that it can strengthen your bond, provide warmth and comfort, and reduce stress and anxiety. Some drawbacks are that it can disrupt sleep quality, increase the risk of allergies or infections, and create behavioral problems. Consider your health, hygiene, and lifestyle before sharing your bed with your Shih Tzu.

Shih Tzu Sleeping Positions and What They Mean

Shih Tzus can sleep in various positions, and each one can reveal something about their personality, mood, and health. Here are some of the standard Shih Tzu sleeping positions and what they mean:

Improving Shih Tzu Sleep

Helping a Shih Tzu Puppy Sleep Through the Night

Shih tzu puppies may have trouble sleeping through the night as they adjust to their new environment and schedule. To help them sleep better, you can try the following tips:

Tips for Shih Tzu Dogs of All Ages to Get Great Sleep

Shih tzu dogs of all ages can benefit from getting great sleep, as it can improve their health, mood, and performance. To help your Shih Tzu get great sleep, you can try the following tips:

Additional Tips for Senior Shih Tzu Dogs

Senior shih tzu dogs may need more sleep and care than younger dogs as they face the challenges of aging and health issues. To help your old Shih Tzu sleep better, you can try the following tips:

How to Ensure Your Shih Tzu Gets the Correct Amount of Sleep

The correct amount of sleep for your shih tzu depends on various factors, such as age, activity level, personality, and health. However, a general guideline is that shih tzus need about 12 to 16 hours of sleep per day on average, with more or less depending on their individual needs. To ensure your shih tzu gets the correct amount of sleep, you can do the following:

Teaching Your Shih Tzu to Be Better at Sleeping

Shih Tzus can sleep better if trained and taught to follow some rules and habits to enhance their sleep quality and duration. To prepare your shih tzu to be better at sleeping, you can do the following:

When to Be Concerned About Your Shih Tzu’s Sleep

When Should You Be Concerned About Your Dog’s Increased Sleeping?

You should be concerned about your dog’s increased sleeping if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, or lethargy. These could indicate a severe health problem that needs medical attention. You should also be concerned if your dog’s increased sleeping is sudden, drastic, or out of character, as this could signal a change in their environment, mood, or behavior.

Possible Reasons for Increased Sleeping in Dogs

Some of the possible reasons for increased sleeping in dogs are:


Shih Tzus are one of the most sleep-loving breeds of dogs, and they can sleep anywhere from 12 to 20 hours a day. However, many factors can affect their sleep quality, such as age, health, lifestyle, personality, and environment. Understanding shih tzu sleep can help your dog get the best sleep possible and improve their well-being. You should also know the signs and causes of increased sleeping in dogs and consult your vet if you have any concerns.

Sleep is not only a luxury but a necessity for shih tzus. It helps them to stay healthy, happy, and energetic. As a Shih Tzu owner, you should respect and support your dog’s sleep needs and provide them with a comfortable and safe sleeping area. You should also ensure they get enough exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization during the day to balance their sleep and wake time. By doing so, you can ensure that your shih tzu lives a long and fulfilling life.

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