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What Happens When Dogs Drink Buttermilk? Find Out Here

Can Dogs Have Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a fermented dairy product often used in baking, cooking, and making sauces. It has a tangy flavor and thick consistency, making it ideal for adding moisture and richness to various dishes. But can dogs have buttermilk? Is it safe and healthy for them to drink or eat this dairy product?

The answer to this question is more complex. It depends on several factors, such as the type and quality of buttermilk, the amount and frequency of consumption, and the individual dog’s health and preferences. Some dogs may enjoy and benefit from buttermilk, while others may experience adverse effects or dislike the taste. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of buttermilk for dogs, how much and how often to give it to them, and what to do if your dog drinks buttermilk. We will

What Is Buttermilk?

Why is buttermilk good for dogs

Buttermilk is a fermented dairy product often used in baking, cooking, and making sauces. It has a tangy flavor and thick consistency, making it ideal for adding moisture and richness to various dishes. Buttermilk is made by adding beneficial bacteria to milk, which lowers its pH and causes it to curdle. There are two types of buttermilk: traditional and cultured. Traditional buttermilk is the liquid left over from churning butter out of cream. Cultured buttermilk is the most common type in Western countries and is made by adding bacteria to pasteurized and homogenized milk.

Can Dogs Drink Buttermilk?

The answer is yes but with caution. Buttermilk is a fermented dairy product rich in nutrients and probiotics, which can benefit dogs’ health. However, buttermilk can also cause digestive problems, lactose intolerance, and weight gain in some dogs. Therefore, buttermilk should only be given to dogs in moderation and as an occasional treat.

Benefits of Buttermilk for Dogs

Buttermilk can provide dogs hydration, protein, calcium, potassium, vitamin B12, and other vitamins and minerals. Buttermilk can improve dogs’ oral health, lower their cholesterol and blood pressure, and combat constipation. Additionally, buttermilk can support dogs’ immune systems and digestion thanks to the beneficial bacteria it contains.

Risks of Buttermilk for Dogs

Buttermilk can also pose some risks and drawbacks for dogs. Some dogs may have trouble digesting buttermilk, especially if they are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products. This can result in diarrhea, vomiting, gas, or constipation. Buttermilk is also high in fat and calories, which can lead to obesity and other health issues if fed in excess. Furthermore, buttermilk is high in sodium, which can be harmful for dogs with kidney or heart problems.

How Much and How Often to Give Buttermilk to Dogs

The amount and frequency of buttermilk you can give your dog depends on their size, weight, and health condition. As a general rule, giving no more than 1-2 tablespoons of buttermilk per day for small dogs and no more than 1/4 cup for larger dogs is recommended. However, to be safe, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new food or drink.

Signs of Enjoyment or Discomfort in Dogs

Several signs indicate whether your dog is enjoying or suffering from buttermilk. If your dog likes buttermilk, they may show signs of alertness, wagging their tail, licking their lips, drooling, and bobbing their head. They may also play bow, which signals they are having a good time. On the other hand, if your dog is in pain or discomfort from buttermilk, they may show signs of irritability, yelping, whining, limping, pain when touched, spending more time sleeping, shaking, crying, aggression, or antisocial behavior. If you notice these signs, stop giving your dog buttermilk and contact your veterinarian for advice.

What to Do If Your Dog Drank Buttermilk

If your dog drank buttermilk, you should first check how much they drank and how they are feeling. If they only drank a small amount and seemed fine, you don’t need to worry too much. Just offer them some water and monitor them for any signs of discomfort or distress. If they drank a large amount or show symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as diarrhea, vomiting, gas, or bloating, you should call your veterinarian for advice.

They may recommend feeding your dog a bland diet, probiotics, or administering medication to ease digestion. You should also prevent your dog from drinking more buttermilk and keep it out of their reach. In most cases, dogs will recover from buttermilk ingestion within a day or two, but if they have severe or persistent symptoms, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Alternatives to Buttermilk for Dogs

If you want to give your dog a healthy and tasty drink but are concerned about buttermilk’s possible drawbacks, you can try some more suitable alternatives for dogs. Some of the alternatives to buttermilk for dogs are:


In conclusion, dogs can drink buttermilk, but pet owners should be careful. Buttermilk can be good for dogs, giving them water, protein, and other good things, but it can also be bad for them, making them sick, intolerant, or fat. The choice to give buttermilk to dogs should depend on the dog’s health, size, and likes. It is wise to talk to a vet before giving your dog any new food or drink to make sure it is good for them.

Because buttermilk can cause problems for dogs, other drinks, such as chicken soup, coconut water, vegetable juice, or just water, may be better for them. These drinks can give dogs water and good things without the bad things that buttermilk can have. Knowing how dogs feel and act when they drink buttermilk, watching their reactions, and dealing quickly with any bad effects are important to keep our dogs happy and healthy.

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